
Water Safety Awareness Prevents Drowning-Risk vs Reward

Water Safety Awareness Prevents Drowning-Risk vs Reward

Always be aware of water safety to prevent drowning. S.W.I.M (Safe-Water-In-Mind) mentality is to always be aware in and around water. Many psychologists identify that before people take action they need to have an awareness. An awareness of the problem, want, need, product, solution, and ect. Awareness leads to an action or reaction that in …

Water Safety: A State of Mind

Water Safety: A State of Mind

Anytime you have been by any body of water, you will notice that some people are calmed by it, some people are scared of it, and some people thrive on it. Our environment and livelihood are dependent on water. Whether you swim in it, live by it, bathe in it, drive or fly over it; …


About The Swim Doctors

The Swim Doctors originated with the idea that everyone deserves a water safe lifestyle. Myth: Only those with backyard pools or in a coastal area need to worry about water safety concerns. Fact: EVERYONE, no matter of location, age, income, or ability needs to be aware of the water around them and how to stay …